Problem with MySQL

Omar S. Hafez omar.the.pythoner at
Fri Apr 4 12:44:20 BST 2008

Salam Alaikom Wr Wb.

I have a problem installing MySQL-Server on my machine.
I have a Hardy Heron Beta Version, now.

The problem is, that the system refuses to install it, it keeps showing
an error message about some dependency problems, and it keeps
interfering with each and every system update or even installation of a
new software I do.

Every time I update a system or install a new program, a blue window
pops outta nowhere and asks me to enter a new 'root' password for
MySQL-Server, and I do as it says, and yet the error message still comes

And not even completely removing it solves the problem, the blue screen
still pops outta nowhere and freaks me off.. -_-

And, I really need PHP, MySQL-Server, and even Apache-Server to work
properly on my machine, so I can start learning them as soon as

However, I've included two images of how the errors look like.
Please help. :)

Thanks very much in advance.
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