[ubuntu-it] Canali Rai soluzione ibrida

Giorgio Lazzari lazzarimed a tiscali.it
Ven 23 Ago 2013 08:41:47 UTC

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Avevo segnalato l'addon per firefox RAIDIOTA 0.5 .
Purtroppo funziona maluccio solo per alcuni Tg.

In rete ho trovato questa souzione ibrida che mi sembra funzioni molto 
bene per tutto il sito rai
Uso bodhilinux 22.3.0 32 bit .

Il link del progetto e' http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/

"Netflix Desktop provides a convenient tool that downloads and installs 
all of the components necessary to run Netflix Watch Instantly under 
Wine <http://www.winehq.org/>, including the Windows version of Mozilla 
Firefox and Microsoft Silverlight v4. This package also includes some 
convience settings to integrate Netflix into Firefox in such a way that 
everything feels like a native Ubuntu application.

Currently, Wine does not include all of the necessary patches to use 
Netflix "out of the box", so the PPA below also contains a custom build 
of Wine with the patches included (see the Wine 'Compholio Edition 
<http://www.compholio.com/wine-compholio/>'). It is important to note 
that this build is not compatible with "vanilla" Wine, so installing the 
package will uninstall any existing Wine installation. I plan to change 
this in the near future, but this was the easiest way to get Netflix up 
and running for everyone.

/Neither this package or its author is affliated with, endorsed, 
provided, or supported in any way by Netflix, Inc."

Giorgio Lazzari

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