[ubuntu-it] installazione software Lx-Viewer
paolo massei
paoafr a tin.it
Mer 3 Nov 2010 14:47:19 GMT
* mercoledì 03 novembre 2010, alle 10:58, Felix wrote:
> Ciao a tutti.
> Per lavoro necessito del software in oggetto.
> Va compilato e nel file readme trovo:
> Building
> In order to compile and install DG-Convert on your system, use a console
> window and navigate to the working directory. Then type the following:
> % qmake -o makefile dc.pro
> % make
Prima di quello trovi:
2.2 Requirements
Library files
You must have the QT *development* libraries 3.0.5 (or newer)
plus the DrawingDirect C++ Linux header and library files.
Ce le hai le Qt-devel ( sempre su ubu le divide) e le DrawingDirect-"DEVEL" installate?
Senno' gli headers te li sogni.
Poi, quotando tutto il resto del paragrafo li' sopra:
DrawingDirect has several libraries available. DG-Convert is built using
new C++ libraries. Using these libraries we can open and save any drawing
version from 2.5
to 2004. DG-Convert is not compatible with the old C libraries and will
not work with them.
You will need to become a member of OpenDWG and this membership may take
several days to process.
You may also be asked to sign and fax back a license agreement. Many may
consider this
a pain, but these libraries are worth thousands of dollars and a filling
out a little paperwork
and agreeing to play by the rules seems a very reasonable exchange for
being able to use the libraries
for no cost. The "no cost" phrase assumes that you are not using their
libraries for commercial purposes.
If you are using them for commercial purposes then you will need an
appropriate license from
OpenDWG. My code is under a modified GPL license so you may use my stuff
for any purpose you desire, but
OpenDWG controls their licenses and software.
Insomma, una pippa senza fine. Mi pare che molto tempo fa feci
quell'account di cui cianciano per avere una funzionalita' in Grass ( ma,
come sempre succede, dopo aver atteso un po' di giorni per
l'autorizzazione allo scaricamento, la compilazione non funziono' :-((( )
Ladies and Gentlemen: Elvis has just left the building.
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