[ubuntu-it] WebCam Trut FamilyC@m 500

Iacopo Masi iack83 at tin.it
Wed Jun 22 04:46:33 CDT 2005

The Saltydog ha scritto:
> On 6/22/05, Iacopo Masi <iack83 a tin.it> wrote:
>>   Si grazie questo l'ho gia installato per l'altra cam e gia visto il
>>link...secondo me la rileva ma come faccio con GTKam e con Camorama a
>>fargli prendere il nuovo dipositivo in ingresso se non so dove è in
>>/dev/  ????
>  Then try to run gphoto2 --list-ports  and look whether the ports you
> want to use are listed there:
>     * For serial devices, the port with the appropriate device must be listed
>     * For USB devices, you need the "usb:" port in the list. If you
> don't see it, check whether you compiled gphoto2 with libusb support.

  No ok i have usb: so Ok
> Then try to run gphoto2 --auto-detect and look whether the camera is detected.

This is detected:

lizardking a iac:~ $ gphoto2 --auto-detect
Model                          Port
Aiptek Pencam                  usb:

Is not my trust familycam 500 flash


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