The current status of the ubuntu namespace on freenode.

Melissa Draper melissa at
Wed May 26 03:35:03 UTC 2021

Hi all,

At approximately 3am UTC today, many channels in our namespace that had
topics announcing the move to LIbera.Chat were confiscated by the new
freenode management.

We were still finalizing our move and had not yet completed the transition
to Libera Chat.

I am writing this email to let you know, as channel operators and users,
that this is not something that we consented to and we wish that we had
more time to tie the loose ends that were outstanding. We are also not
alone as many other namespaces also had their channels confiscated.

We will continue to work with you all on to get everything
into a functional state as soon as we can. We appreciate your understanding
as we try to work out the path forward.

Melissa Draper (el), on behalf of the IRC team.
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