IRC Council Call for Nominations (2021)
rww at
Mon Apr 5 14:31:18 UTC 2021
Hi all,
As of right now, we have 3 nominations for the 5 open seats on the IRC
Council, so I'm extending the nomination period for an additional two
weeks, until 2021-04-19. The new schedule for this election is as
Nomination period: 2021-03-15 to 2021-04-19 (5 weeks)
Review period: 2021-04-05 to 2021-05-03 (2 weeks)
Voting period: 2021-04-19 to 2021-05-17 (2 weeks)
Council switchover: 2021-06-01
As a reminder, the requirements and duties of IRCC councilpeople are
listed on . The only "hard"
requirement is Ubuntu membership, and past that we're happy to take
nominations from anyone interested in IRC and effective governance. If
you're an Ubuntu member and also active in one of our core channels, you
are likely more than qualified to nominate yourself.
The time commitment for this position is usually minimal. Once or
twice a year, we appoint new IRC channel operators. Theoretically you'd
also be in charge of recalling and resolving disputes between IRC
channel operators, but that is rare (hasn't happened at all the past
few years). Since the IRC Team is itself not hugely active, we haven't
been holding monthly meetings, but that's something a new IRCC might
consider doing.
If you're interested in running for the position, please email this list
(ubuntu-irc at to announce your candidacy and we'd be
happy to add you to the nomination list. Nominations are now due
April 19th.
Thanks for your consideration,
(on behalf of Ubuntu IRC Council)
On Mon, Mar 15, 2021, at 15:20, rww wrote:
> Hi all,
> The IRC Council has three members whose two-year terms end on June 1st
> 2021, plus two members who are ending their terms early on the same
> date. We therefore have all five seats open for nominations.
> Details about the IRC Council and its charter may be viewed here:
> Council members serve a two-year term and may stand for multiple terms.
> Workload is generally very light, with occasional spurts of heavy
> discussion as events come up.
> All Ubuntu Members are welcome to apply. To nominate yourself, create a
> section on your wiki page and announce it and your candidacy to the IRC
> Team mailing list (ubuntu-irc at For easy reference,
> please add the URLs for your Launchpad home and wiki pages when emailing
> the list. Nominations are open through April 5th 2021, three weeks from
> now.
> If you're not an Ubuntu Member but believe you meet the criteria to be
> one, you can visit to learn
> how to apply.
> Voting is open to everyone who is a member of the "Ubuntu IRC members"
> team on Launchpad ( If you
> are an Ubuntu Member and wish to become a member of the Ubuntu IRC
> Members team, contact the IRC Council.
> Details of the election process (as explained on the wiki page):
> 1. An open call-for-nominations will be announced in the IRC community
> (this email).
> 2. Nominees should create a section on their wiki page for this
> election. This can include your work for the community, thoughts,
> testimonials from others, etc.
> 3. To formally submit your nomination, send an email to the IRC Team
> mailing list including a link to your wiki page.
> 4. When the nomination period has ended, the IRC Council will review
> the applications and submit them to the Community Council for
> review.
> 5. The Community Council will identify a shortlist for the board and we
> will circulate the list publicly for feedback from the community.
> 6. Elections will be held to vote from the candidates in the short
> list. Members of the Ubuntu IRC Members Team are eligible to vote.
> 7. Please note that joining the IRC Team *after* the election begins
> will NOT qualify one for voting on this election.
> 8. The Community Council will finalize the appointments.
> The tentative schedule for this election is:
> Nomination period: 2021-03-15 to 2021-04-05 (3 weeks)
> Review period: 2021-04-05 to 2021-04-19 (2 weeks)
> Voting period: 2021-04-19 to 2021-05-03 (2 weeks)
> Council switchover: 2021-06-01
> If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me or
> the IRC Council (#ubuntu-irc-council on freenode, or
> irc-council at, and we'd be happy to assist.
> Sincerely,
> rww
> (on behalf of the Ubuntu IRC Council)
> --
> Ubuntu-irc mailing list
> Ubuntu-irc at
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