#ubuntu votebot proposal
lotuspsychje at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 13:05:07 UTC 2019
Dear members,
A lot has been discussed about +r and -r lately
according to the spammers and trolls in #ubuntu.
When #ubuntu is +r with #ubuntu-unregged
we can filter them out, but then also the serious
webchat users do not find their way for quick support.
And usercount of #ubuntu is dropping down.
When #ubuntu is -r we have more usercount, everyone can join
but also the trolls are back.
So as the #ubuntu-discuss team would like to contribute
to have a clean support experience again in #ubuntu
we would like to propose a votebot plugin as shown below:
Community Moderation Support Bot
This document describes the need for, and possible solution with, a bot
based support for community self-moderation in IRC channels like #ubuntu on
The Need
#ubuntu on Freenode is relatively frequently a target for trolls and bored
people to cause a mess. The available channel ops cannot be expected to be
on duty 24/7, and there's often times where no op is available to react to
particular trolling campaign.
The Solution
The solution recommended here is to reduce the availability demand from !ops
by giving some moderation capabilities to the community, in the following
Existing or a new bot could be equipped with a functionality called
herein as votekick
The functionality would kick, kickban or just mute a nick, based on
votes. The least privilege model would just +q a nick based on these votes
For example, user rudetroll666 (made up here as example) is behaving in
such a way that requires at least a mute
The bot has a list of users it trusts for votekick. These users can
each /msg
bot votekick rudetroll666
A configurable threshold of N votes would be required in T seconds, for
the bot to react
The bot would also have configurable limits to how many such votekicks
it can do in a period of time, in a smart way considering IP addresses of
nicks it is "kicking", for example it could be configured for a maximum of
10 different IPs votekicked per 10 minutes (so 1/minute, burst 10)
The bot would log or otherwise somehow inform the Ops about this activity
The list of users who the bot would listen to must be defined in
advanced. Recommended are regulars of the channel who can be "trusted"
(within the least privilege model of just giving them the ability to +q).
Abuse can only happen if N or more users conspire to abuse. And the worst
thing that can happen is someone got muted for a short while. The abusers,
however, could permanently be removed from this moderation list.
The Implementation
As a plugin to existing bots?
Feel free to share your ideas about this.
Greetings, the crew from #ubuntu-discuss
BEZOEK ONZE WEBSITE: http://lotuscomputers.be
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