IRC Council election in process

Laura Czajkowski laura at
Mon Apr 4 21:01:17 UTC 2016

Hey Valorie, thanks for bringing this up and I've added a note to bring 
this up to the next IRC Council catch up and will follow up with the new 
council.  Do you believe there would have been a different output had 
there been other people involved in voting?


On 03/04/16 22:40, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 1:21 PM, Neal Bussett <neal at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The election for the IRC Council has started.  We are filling three
>> seats on the IRCC.  There are five candidates:
>> hggdh (
>> Na3iL (
>> rww (
>> Tm_T (
>> unit193 (
>> All members of the Ubuntu IRC Team are eligible to vote and should have
>> received an email from CIVS a moment ago.  If you have NOT received an
>> email from CIVS, please contact me.
>> Voting is expected to end in approximately two weeks, on Monday, April
>> 4th at 07:00 UTC.
>> Regards,
>> Neal
>> (Flannel)
> Hi folks, I've written to Neal privately, because I didn't yet get a
> ballot. It turns out that I didn't get a ballot because I'm not on the
> lp team This seems to be a
> closed team; there is no "join this team" button on the lp page.
> However, there is a link to --
> and this page, which offers Ubuntu Membership through IRC work, seems
> to be the only way to join the Ubuntu IRC Team. Is this so?
> I'm a operator on the Kubuntu channels, not just because I'm an
> experienced IRC chanop, but also because I'm a Kubuntu Councillor. I
> participate in the #ubuntu-ops channel, because I'm an op on a core
> channel. And yet I'm not a member of the ubuntu irc team?
> I believe we should lower the barrier a bit here, and open up
> membership to all of those active and participating in IRC help,
> whether or not they became Ubuntu Members through the IRC Team.
> Respectfully,
> Valorie Zimmerman
> Member since: 2009-04-11

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