complain about petty dictator op on freenode

Daniel Pecka dpecka at
Fri Jan 9 21:50:45 UTC 2015

Hello list,

sorry in advance for this theme. Suing is bad and I don't sue at
"normal" occasions  and it does not make me even feeling better (but
worse instead), I can't help myself this time.

I'd like to report (completely sick) incident in #ubuntu room at
freenode. I came, humbly asked for something, received bullying even
from OP ? WTH ?

I'm on freenode almost since its beginnings and this is really too
much. It's rude and disgusting. That guy should not be OP, it's the
privilege, not right and this privilege is not there for helping the
ppl to come theirs petty dictatorship dreams true. I don't have ubuntu
for myself, that's not sin and I'm a community member of
being moderator on forums (just a sidenote). This all
situation is just annoying and my apologize for this "shit" ..

Log is attached.

regards ppl, d

S Pozdravem / Best Regards

Daniel Pecka - dpecka at
-------------- next part --------------
--- Log opened Fri Jan 09 22:16:03 2015
22:16 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu: Total of 1743 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1741 normal]
22:16 -!- Irssi: Join to #ubuntu was synced in 0 secs
22:16 < ntz> hello
22:16 < k1l> !ask
22:16 < ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
22:16 < Guest62528> Hi RobBurkeOne
22:16 < Guest62528> !ask
22:16 < Guest62528> What do you need help with eithne?
22:17 < ntz> I'm answering the question of one my friend having some problem with buntu .. I don't have buntu myself .. can't anybody please pastebin for me the output from `xrandr -q' in ubuntu 14.04 with default xorg ? i need it for something
22:17 < ml> ciao
22:18 < function9x> ntz: vbox
22:18 < cecja> ntz: thats no generic output it depends on your connected screens
22:18 < eithne> I had problem with an old account, so I needed to create a new one, with the old one Unity won't start. I tried to copy the files stored in the old "home" directory into the new account's one by using "sudo nautilus"
22:18 < ntz> specifically he says, that the highest resolution what he can set is 1024x768 and his xrandr says: Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
22:18 < RobBurkeOne> Guest62528: Hi you. What'S up?
22:18 < ntz> which is weird, because xorg normally offers the max dimensions not related to the physical resolution
22:18 < ntz> eg: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1600 x 900, maximum 32767 x 32767
22:18 < k1l> ntz: what video card, what video driver? what connection type? adapters involved?
22:18 < eithne> but now I can't access them because the are blocked with root privileges
22:19 < bubbasaures> eithne, Might we work on fixing the original account, if possible?
22:19 < k1l> eithne: what was the issue wih the old account?
22:19 < ntz> k1l: i can solve it for him, no worry, just pleae pastebin for me that output with your default xorg and any random display devices attached to your computer
22:19 < eithne> no, it is deleted :( well I couldn't start any DE
22:20 < ntz> function9x: no, thanks :)
22:20 < cecja> eithne: there's something wrong with your setup you have to change the permissions for the new files
22:20 < cecja> !chmod
22:20 < ubottu> An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at
22:20 < k1l> ntz: i think you are looking  at the wrong spot
22:20 < bubbasaures> eithne, You deleted an admin is the new one admin?
22:20 < eithne> yes it is!
22:20 < k1l> ntz: xor.conf is not used in most cases on ubuntu anymore.
22:20 < Segfault_> eithne: du 'sudo chown your-user:your-user /home/your-user'. Replace "your-user" with your username
22:20 < ntz> can anybody show me that output ? is that hard ? what I can do for you that you give me someone what I need, nothing less and nothing more
22:21 < eithne> ok I'll try
22:21 < k1l> ntz: see my last message.
22:21 < Segfault_> sorry, append a -R
22:21 < ntz> k1l: i know i know i know i know i know (everything)
22:21 < cecja> ntz: it will NOT give you the answer to your problem.
22:21 < xcyclist> Is there any kind of a static binary movement among the Ubuntu crowd?
22:21 < function9x> ntz: is it really that hard to install vbox then install your own ubuntu? You can get what ever you want from there
22:21 -!- dnivra is now known as Guest44434
22:21 < bekks> xcyclist: What is a "static binary movement"?
22:21 < function9x> bbl testing
22:22 < Segfault_> the full command would be "sudo chown -R your-user:your-user /home/your-user"
22:22 < k1l> ntz: sorry, but your "i know everthing" seems the issue right here since you dont know the ubuntu way. but good luck with that.
22:22 < bubbasaures> +1
22:22 < bekks> chown it to your group even ;)
22:22 < ntz> why the heck you want to discuss with random guy requesting a little favour from you ? can you just do that favour ? frankly I think it's rude and stupid - and don't take it wrong
22:23 < cecja> ntz: stop plenking and gtfo
22:23 < xcyclist> Something that moves away from the octopusization of libraries and binaries and ever-growing vocabularies of re-usables which are actually little re-used, if at all.
22:23 < Guest62528> What is plenking
22:23 < S3ctru2> hi to all
22:23 < eithne> the terminal shown "missing operation after chown"
22:23 < Guest62528> Hi S3ctru2
22:23 < k1l> cecja: no need to become rude.
22:24 < bekks> eithne: what was the exact command you typed?
22:24 < Segfault_> the full command would be "sudo chown -R your-user:your-user /home/your-user"
22:24 < eithne> sudo chown -eithne;eithne /home/eithne
22:24 < ntz> cecja: okay, I'm going to share logs from here to ubu mailinglist .. reread what happend in step one, think of it in step two, stop behaving like complete idiot in step 3
22:24 < eithne> is that right?
22:24 < bekks> eithne: No.
22:24 < eithne> ops
22:24 < k1l> ntz: stop it!
22:24 < rafael59> hello
22:24 < Segfault_> use a colon, not a semicolon
22:24 < cecja> ntz: help yourself.
22:25 < ntz> 22:17 < ntz> I'm answering the question of one my friend having some problem with buntu .. I don't have buntu myself .. can't anybody please pastebin for me the output from `xrandr -q' in ubuntu 14.04 with default xorg ? i  need it for something
22:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+o k1l] by ChanServ
22:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*] by k1l
22:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-o k1l] by ChanServ
22:25 < bekks> eithne: your username is "eithne", not "-eithne"
22:25 < ntz> if this is the reason for insulting me I really don't know what else
22:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+o k1l] by ChanServ
22:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-q *!*] by k1l
22:25 < xcyclist> One could assert that the complex carbohydrates from the overflowing spaghetti compilations of un-reused reuseables is an impending source of software diabetic death.
22:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-o k1l] by ChanServ
22:25 < eithne> sudo chown eithne;eithne /home/eithne ok?
22:26 < bekks> xcyclist: Do you have a specific ubuntu support question?
22:26 < cecja> eithne: dont forget the -R
22:26 < bekks> eithne: No.
22:26 < eithne> R?
22:26 < bekks> eithne: "Use a : instead of ;"
22:26 < Segfault_> the full command would be "sudo chown -R your-user:your-user /home/your-user"
22:26 < bekks> And use "-R" as well.
22:26 < eithne> well, could someone write me the entire command?
22:26 < xcyclist> I want a dnstop and iotop binary that is independent of any library, and will run on any modern Ubuntu, or even other Linux kernels.
22:26 < cecja> eithne: sudo chown -R eithne:eithne /home/eithne
22:27 < bekks> xcyclist: Then you have to compile them yourself, statically.
22:28 < eithne> it says "function not implemented" O.o
--- Log closed Fri Jan 09 22:28:22 2015

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