My membership and discussion with the IRCC

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at
Tue Feb 25 06:05:50 UTC 2014

FWIW I think your contributions to the community have been great. I can't
fully gather why all this went down but whatever the reason its said to see
you give up your Ubuntu membership.

On Feb 24, 2014 8:43 PM, <ljlbox at> wrote:
> Tonight, I've given up the Ubuntu membership I acquired in 2007.
> It was a decision that came after several events where feelings
> were involved, though I consider one thing a climax in particular,
> and it is when I was asked by the IRC Council to join their
> #ubuntu-irc-council channel to discuss some things.
> The way I see what happened goes like this:
> - I was asked "what I was going to do", then reassured it wasn't
>   a "trial" or attempt to "oust" me when I was perplexed at what
>   that question was even intended to mean
> - I was more explicitly asked to explain how I thought "my
>   position as an op was tenable", while still being reassured
>   it was not anything resembling a "trial"
> - eventually it was made a fair bit clearer that the whole thing
>   was, in fact, spawned by complaints about needing to "do some-
>   thing" about my terrible attitude, and by the "recent event"
>   (deciding to take rww's suggestion to remove the FloodBots)
> - I explained how I thought my position was quite tenable, and,
>   on the other hand, how some other people's position wasn't so
>   much
> - I was basically told that the discussion was over, and when I
>   almost begged the members who were clearest about it being over
>   to at least explain how they thought they could reconcile their
>   trial-style questions with all the reassurances they gave me
>   about it being only a discussion, I was only met with their
>   silence.
> has full logs of the discussion,
> which I've been authorized to provide. Those of you who are actually
> serious about the idea of a community where people's feelings and
> motivations matters, please read these logs, even though they're long.
> As to the people who've expressed their support towards me during
> the past months: thank you. Now please also consider speaking up
> right here, because I know you were more numerous than the "3 or 4"
> people who complained about me that the IRCC mentioned.
> Maybe you are less numerous now, after me acting so vocally, but
> remember what you thought about my stances.
> by LjL
> ljlbox at
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