Updates to the Meetingology bot

Thomas Molloy lderan at outlook.com
Sat Feb 8 12:35:27 UTC 2014


Firstly I would like to apologies regarding the recent instability of the meeting bot since yesterday. This was due to a mistake on my part and with the help of AlanBell it has been put back into working order.

Some new things are now in the meeting bot though,

Private voting - by messaging the bot with +1/0/-1 #channelName, follows in the channel restrictions as well for non-public voting
#undo - now outputs the type of item it has removed
#done - a new meeting item

In the moinmoin output it now puts the votes in historical order with a link to where the vote started in the meeting. Also the action items section has been removed as it was being duplicated by the action items per person section.

Does anyone have any feature requests?

Thank you for your time,

Thomas Molloy


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