FloodBot status
C de-Avillez
hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 5 20:54:17 UTC 2014
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 02:54:25 +0100
ljlbox at tiscali.it wrote:
> Il 05.02.2014 02:27 Alan Bell ha scritto:
> > On 05/02/14 00:32, ljlbox at tiscali.it [1]wrote:
> >> I would like to point out that the FloodBot code is under my
> >> exclusive
> >> copyright, it has never been licensed for redistribution, and any
> >> license text it may even have contained was provisional and only
> >> meant
> >> for internal use.
> >
> > it does indeed have a GPLv2 boilerplate at the top of it.
> It does, but that's because the repository was MEANT for eventually
> making the code public and open source, AFTER people had worked on it.
> It was never meant as a "release" to anyone, nevermind the public at
> large,
> of GPLv2 code. The Launchpad metadata clearly state "proprietary".
You are confusing Launchpad's wording with the code's wording. But this
is, anyway, irrelevant given your clear statement you consider the code
> > e or distribution of the FloodBot code is NOT authorized by the
> >> copyright holder; any exception would have to be agreed upon in
> >> private, and I would confirm it on this mailing list.
> > particular reason for that, and any reason for disabling them? I
> > have been rather inattentive of IRC over the last month or so, with
> > other things going on in real life, I feel I have missed some
> > important bit of
> > context here.
> Well, the reason for denying redistribution is that, you know,
> properietary
> code is proprietary, and that's what that means.
> The conditions for it being open-sourced weren't fulfilled (for
> longer than
> two years), so it's still proprietary.
I agree, even though the actions were not taken in a correct order.
It is my personal opinion that proprietary, closed-source code
has no place in the community. As such, and still my personal opinion,
we should not use your code, nor should we accept it running again until
such time as the code is under an open licence. I stress that this is
my personal view.
ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris
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