Automatic join #ubuntu-discuss

Jeffrey Flaker jflaker at
Sat Dec 6 17:19:51 UTC 2014

I believe that the information is in the MOTD......however.....

How about sending a detailed private message from ubuttu (or some other
bot) telling the users about this.  The logistics would be to send only
once within 24 hrs so as not to be an annoyance

On 12/06/2014 12:22 AM, pascal delay wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I have a sugestion for #ubuntu that when users join the network
> also automaticly join #ubuntu-discuss to avoid regular chatting
> in #ubuntu support channel.
> A lot of users would like to chat about ubuntu, but have no idea
> we have an existing #ubuntu-discuss channel.
> Or we would add #ubuntu-discuss to the existing !offtopic trigger
> so users find their way more easy?
> Thanks in advance

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