IRC Bot hackfest 2nd-4th March

Alan Bell alanbell at
Mon Feb 13 09:39:46 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I would like to propose a bit of a hackfest on various bots that need 
some attention

  * We would like Ubottu to private message anyone banned from the 
channel with some text directing the user to the #ubuntu-ops channel to 
discuss their ban with a view to resolving the issue

  * We would like the Ubottu to have the facility to automatically 
remove bans on timeouts so a ban could be set to expire in a week for 

  * We need some more people to become familiar with the floodbot code

  * The meetingology bot needs some attention to various ways it formats 
meeting minutes and the way it handles certain commands including 
private votes and private messages to acknowledge various commands

  * anything else you can think of

As we have the Ubuntu Global Jam weekend coming up I think it would be 
nice to link in with that activity and have a focussed burst of activity 
around the 2nd - 4th March 2012. The #ubuntu-bots-team channel on 
Freenode is the place to go, if you are a seasoned programmer or totally 
new there will be stuff that needs doing, and people to help.

Don't let the timescales limit you, if you want to grab some code and 
get familiar with how they work then you can ask in #ubuntu-bots-team 
any time.


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