
IdleOne oneidle at
Sun Feb 12 07:07:03 UTC 2012

Does that mean a user would potentially wait up to 2 weeks before they 
would be unbanned from #lubuntu even if they joined the ops channel to 
resolve the ban?


On 12-02-12 01:23 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hi,
> as the last banning was over turned because one of the lubuntu OP's 
> was not fully aware of the reason.
> It has been, correctly, pointed out that we do not have an official 
> policy. As such, I propose the following:
> If one of the OP team from lubuntu have reason to ban some some one. 
> That happens.
> the team mention it on the meeting.
> When someone appeals against a ban, that is discussed with the OP team 
> and then brought forward to the main meeting.
> Regards,
> Phill.
> -- 

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