Meeting Minutes

Alan Bell alanbell at
Thu Feb 9 23:06:19 UTC 2012

Hi all,
here is a summary of the meeting held today, full logs are at:

next meeting is on Sunday 26th Feb at 18:00 UTC in the #ubuntu-meeting 
channel on freenode, which will likely include a discussion about PPAs 
and support in #ubuntu-offtopic.

Meeting summary

     Review last meetings action items (AlanBell, 20:05:03)
         SUBTOPIC: AlanBell to call for helpers to implement eir-like 
functionality in ubottu (AlanBell, 20:05:10)
         SUBTOPIC: meeting timeslots to be taken to the mailing list, 
11:00UTC slot is in danger of being dropped (AlanBell, 20:06:09)
         ACTION: AlanBell to sort out fridge calendar entries (AlanBell, 

     Open items in the IRCC tracker (AlanBell, 20:10:07)
     Review Bugs related to the Ubuntu IRC Council (AlanBell, 20:10:27)
         SUBTOPIC: bug 788503 IRC Guidelines too #ubuntu centric - 
tsimpson (AlanBell, 20:10:52) (Unit193, 20:14:48)
         SUBTOPIC: bug 884671 Ubuntu IRC operator recruitment is slow 
and ungainly - jussi (AlanBell, 20:15:47)
         SUBTOPIC: bug 913541 there are a number of people with Ubuntu 
IRC cloaks who have expired from the ubuntumembers group - AlanBell 
(AlanBell, 20:22:27)
         SUBTOPIC: bug 916247 devel wiki on needs some 
attention - AlanBell (AlanBell, 20:22:59)

     The plan for the bots (AlanBell, 20:26:23)
         ACTION: AlanBell to mail the list asking for help to add ban 
timeout removal to ubottu (AlanBell, 20:38:45)

     Definition of where official announcements from the IRCC will be 
made for those with a need for no discussion but announcements - jussi 
(AlanBell, 20:40:16) (AlanBell, 20:45:57) (AlanBell, 20:52:40)

     Using bots to inform users about #ubuntu-ops (and their expected 
behavior there) when they are banned - LjL (AlanBell, 20:58:35)
     Concerns about using short links in the topic/bot due to 
Google's privacy policy changes - LjL (AlanBell, 21:04:02)
     Rename "probation" to "induction" in the IRC operator recruitment 
process - AlanBell (AlanBell, 21:09:35)

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