New roles in the Ubuntu IRC team

Matt Darcy ubuntu.lists at
Fri Oct 28 15:07:43 UTC 2011

> Further, while I agree that some items have taken a long time from the
> IRCC to address, I have difficulty in locating any black hole. We have
> been more effective after we implemented a proper issue tracker, and
> old items do get done. The black hole seems to be a fashionable word
> right now, but I'm not aware of anything in the real world that it
> might refer to.

I was trying not to put specific examples down on this - but I will as 
you don't seem to see them

1.) the long term problem user policy took over 9 months to get in place
2.) the shell server terms of use guidelines/policy took over 6 months 
to put in place - and that's because I did it anyway because the council 
where not dealing with it
3.) the whole discussion about the #lubuntu operator application process 
- many operators raised issues/suggestions/opinions on this, which where 
ignored on two occasions like they never happened and the train rolled on
4.) the floodbots been a non-open project and held at the control of one 
operator has been an issue for over 2 years
5.) various issues surrounding the implementation of eir - have been 
ignored and not even discussed beyond "deal with" and the train rolls on
6.) the implementation of eir was done without any real discussion and 
was pushed into production under miss-leading information from the 
council "it's an optional service" - when in reality you HAVE to use 
this now as it's in production controlling the channels

I can go on if you want - but there are good substantially different 
examples of the black hole.

If you want more examples I can deliver.


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