Using NOTICE messages

Elián Hanisch lambdae2 at
Sun Mar 13 15:02:23 UTC 2011

On Sábado 12 Marzo 2011 22:44:05 rww escribió:
> When I was reading the IRCC meeting log and this first came up, my
> knee-jerk reaction was indeed that NOTICEs are evil. But on reflection, I
> think I agree that this is more a cultural artifact than anything I can
> actually back up with reasons. So, I don't think I mind NOTICEs too much
> in and of themselves.
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 09:28:55PM -0300, Eli�n Hanisch wrote:
> > - Public logs: Notices aren't logged in public logs, so whatever that a
> > user does in a query with the bot doesn't end in the public log. Users
> > trolling/spamming with the bot won't get their messages in the log. (I
> > know this is stupid, but do we have to add in the ToS that whatever they
> > say to ubottu if it has an 'is' in the sentence will be logged in -ops?
> > :P)
> This is a double-edged sword. On one side is what you said. On the other
> side, legitimate factoid requests being logged on has
> been useful to me on occasion when trying to remember why we changed a
> factoid in a particular way. I guess we have our own logs, though, so it's
> not a huge deal.

The new plugin keeps a record of all changes (factoids have revisions and you 
will be able to see any of them with a --rev switch) also, an interface for 
queue and handle factoid suggestion is planned. Still all that doesn't address 
the *why* a factoid was changed, but does it help?

I entertained for a while the idea of adding comments to factoids, but 
implementing it would be much effort and I couldn't convince myself about it's 

~ m4v
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