Ubuntu ops Co-ordination channel

Alan Bell alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com
Tue Mar 1 11:15:40 UTC 2011

On 01/03/11 10:51, Isapual Daily wrote:
> So now the Gestapo have there own private channel?
yay, Godwin's law has been reached, convention dictates at this point 
the conversation is over and you lost it
> How sweet, NOT!!!
good use of the exclamation mark, three times as effective as just the one.
> Don't you guys know how to use the power button?
> Most normal peeps know how to get up and walk away when they don't 
> like something.
> This place is out of hand with the rules!!!!
> If it's too HOT in the kitchen, get the heck out.

Personally I anticipate such a channel to be rarely used, and 
conversations within it to be rather dull. Nobody involved likes 
secrecy, everyone likes openness, I normally avoid channels without 
public logs. If it turns into a conversation hotspot I would expect the 
channel to be closed.

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