Shell policy approved

Chris Oattes chris at
Fri Jan 28 20:42:13 UTC 2011

Surely the time to object is during the 2 month period when it existed as a draft on the wiki. Ikonia has been campaigning for this for far longer, and it has been on several IRCC agendas before it was put up for a draft. 


On 25 Jan 2011, at 10:18, Martin Meredith <mez at> wrote:

> On 23/01/11 18:50, Juha Siltala wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The IRCC met quickly today to approve the shell policy draft. Thanks
>> to all who helped with their input in drafting the document!
>> .
>> Thanks to all who helped with their input in drafting the document!
> Woah...
> I object to this policy.  In it's current form, it would allow any op to blanket ban me from Ubuntu Core channels due to the fact that I connect via my own, personal VPS, and I do not have public contact details for that host.
> In my opinion, this document needs to state that it is not ok to ban a host purely for not meeting those requirements.  It needs to state that those requirements are needed to LIFT a ban, and lack of those requirements will not be used as the sole basis to place a ban (and there should be a documented history of abuse before that is placed)
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