Small change in the cloaking policy

Terence Simpson tsimpson at
Sun Feb 13 19:03:48 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,
Today the IRCC voted to officially support dual-cloaks, that is
@ubuntu/member/other.cloak.nick or @other/cloak/ubuntu.member.nick.
There was no policy against these, but nothing to say we allow them
either. So this is really just a clarification.

If an Ubuntu member, who also has an affiliation with another group,
wants to have a dial-cloak instead of one or the other, they should
contact the IRCC in #ubuntu-irc-council or #ubuntu-irc. Please also
note that to change a cloak, or enable a dual-cloak, it is normally
required that a Group Contact for *both* groups need to approve the

Terence Simpson

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