Shell policy approved

Juha Siltala juha at
Wed Feb 2 13:52:49 UTC 2011

Hi Seeker,

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 15:28, Chris Oattes <chris at> wrote:
> So any shell provider that has terms of use that conform with what we expect in the ubuntu irc namespace but doesn't actually enforce them (I.e. Allows repeated abuse) should not be banned? Having published terms, enforced or not, is sufficient to allow unlimited abuse from that host?
> The wording is fine as it is, you just seem overly paranoid that someone will try to twist it to ban you for no reason, and people have already explained that can't happen due to the review process in place.

It really isn't as complicated as this thread makes it look.

* Troublesome shells will be banned
* Well run shells will be allowed

Our shell policy aims to help banned shells and their users resolve
the situation. If you find it inaccurate or unhelpful, please offer
corrections and improvements.


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