#ubuntu-offtopic channel topic

Juha Siltala juha at siltala.net
Thu Oct 14 13:13:01 UTC 2010


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 13:18, Matt Darcy <ubuntu.lists at projecthugo.co.uk>wrote:

> That said, if you feel the offtopic channel is the place for the
> community to be offtopic then I go back to my original request for
> merging the offtopic channels together to get a better offtopic
> community and few channels in the already massive #ubuntu name space
> channel. bring the community together, as stated above by most of the
> opposing comments that its a community place, so lets bring it together
> and actually try to have discussion in it.

This is something I would feel good about. The last time this was discussed,
there were many who disagreed, but I would really prefer all offtopic
discussion to be in the same place. However, I appreciate that
#kubuntu-offtopic and #xubuntu-offtopic might have their unique cultures
that would probably be endagered in the large, combined channel. Frankly I
am not familiar enough with them to tell.

Ultimately, this is up to the Kubuntu and Xubuntu people in my opinion. If
they want to merge, great. If they don't, that's wonderful as well.

Evil plan: let's all join all offtopic channels, and eventually the channels
will be the same! Then we could surely merge them. ;-)

> I like the idea that Tony has suggested about having to actually be part
> of the community to use the channel, we have a number of people that are
> nothing to do with Ubuntu in any way beyond using #ubuntu-offtopic as
> they find it a nice social channel, while a positive thing is that also
> what #ubuntu-offtopic should be a channel for anyone to join and be
> sociable in, or is it for the Ubuntu community ? - I'm not saying kick
> people out or have a test or anything like, just food for thought.
> I have no idea how this would work in practice. Sure, community members
constitute a cultural understanding that will make the channel a pleasant
place. However, it is crucial to keep our doors open to newcomers, who can
then see whether or not they want to stay. Anyone who is not aware of our
culture soon will be. Anyone who doesn't respect or doesn't approve of our
values will soon leave.

Bottom line: make entering easy, and staying enjoyable.

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