Access list for #ubuntu+1

Terence Simpson tsimpson at
Sun Oct 10 13:19:56 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

As some of you may have noticed, the access list for #ubuntu+1 has 
changed. In the last IRCC meeting[1] it was decided that, as #ubuntu+1 
is very similar in topic to #ubuntu and has very few operators, we would 
make operators of #ubuntu automatically operators of #ubuntu+1. This 
migration is now complete, so if you have +o in #ubuntu, you now have +o 
in #ubuntu+1.

If you are an #ubuntu op, but don't currently idle in #ubuntu+1, we 
would ask that you consider doing so now. We don't ask that you be 
particularly active in there, just keep an eye on things.

At the moment not a lot will happen in +1, as Maverick is released, but 
the channel will remain open though set +im. (You can get in with /msg 
ChanServ INVITE #ubuntu+1)


Thanks on behalf of the IRC Council,
Terence Simpson

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