Proposal: Ubuntu Operator channel changes

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at
Mon Nov 8 13:04:42 UTC 2010

On 08/11/10 08:51, Juha Siltala wrote:

> a private channel for discussion and negotiation internal to the
> team

> Internal disputes will be much easier to handle in a private channel,
> where no-one is "saving face", unnecessarily defensive or otherwise
> uncomfortable with publicity for asking "dumb" questions from their
> peers or arguing with them.

Having seen this in existence before, I would strongly advise that this 
channel be logged, but these logs only be available to the CC.  That 
way, if there are any accusations of improper conduct, the higher body 
is able to look into the situation.

That satisfies both the goal of being accountable, and not giving trolls 
ammunition against the op team.


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