Perhaps it would be wise to open #Ubuntu-LTS?

John Vivirito gnomefreak at
Tue May 11 12:33:53 UTC 2010

On 05/11/2010 07:50 AM, Jo-Erlend Schinstad wrote:
> 2010/5/11 Alejandro Riveira Fernández <ariveira at>:
>> El Mon, 10 May 2010 15:14:25 -0400
>> John Vivirito <gnomefreak at> escribió:
>>> If we open a *-LTS than it should only support
>>> desktop. server only users should see #ubuntu
>>  May I ask why?
> I thought I explained that. There are several different reasons. 1)
> The percentage of LTS installations of Ubuntu Server are much higher
> than for desktops, meaning that #Ubuntu-server will be able to
> accommodate server LTS users. 2) #Ubuntu-server has much less traffic,
> so there really isn't any need to split it up. 3) Server changes a lot
> less than desktop over time, so it's easier to help someone using a
> 3-4 cycle old release of server than desktop. 4) Server users are
> generally more technical minded and hence are able to make use of more
> abstract information. They don't necessarily need to know the name or
> location of the config files if they are told how to locate them.
> Desktop users, on the other hand, often need to know where to click,
> what the menus are called, etc.
> Of course, if in the future we find a need to have a separate LTS
> channel for server users, then there is nothing preventing us from
> having one. I just think it should then be called #Ubuntu-Server-LTS.
> Jo-Erlend Schinstad
I do not disagree how ever after reading some of
the comments on this topic i am getting the
feeling that it is a good idea however is it a way
to lessen traffic in #ubuntu?
We get this request every release because people
think we have way too much traffic in #ubuntu.

How do we forward users to the new channels? Do we
set up something to do it for us (not sure what
can really be done for that)
Do we wait for users to tell us what release they
are using? Some people never say what release they
are using thinking they are all the same.

Sincerely Yours,
    John Vivirito
Linux User# 414246

"How can i get lost, if i have no where to go"
    -- Metallica from Unforgiven III

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