Defining the core channels

idleone oneidle at
Tue Mar 16 22:07:09 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 18:33 +0100, ljlbox at wrote:
> ----Messaggio originale----
> Da: oneidle at
> Data: 16/03/2010 
> 16.29
> A: "Ubuntu IRC issues discussion list"<ubuntu-irc at lists.ubuntu.
> com>
> Ogg: Re: Defining the core channels
> > [snip]
> >
> > P.S. all core 
> channels should be publicly logged channels also.
> Why?
Why not? the core channels would be official channels where official
Ubuntu community business is conducted. Channels such as #ubuntu
( already logged ) do have many user who read the logs for whatever

channels like -offtopic don't need to be logged because they are social
channels and as such not much official business is conducted in them if

> by LjL
> ljl at
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John Chiazzese

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Now my instinct is guiding my way. It’s true what they say.
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