Ubuntu Opinions

Michael Lustfield mtecknology at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 2 17:28:13 UTC 2010

I'm having a few issues with this discussion as a whole... I know where
non-op opinions usually wind up so if any ops agree, feel free to

This thread is on ubuntu-irc@ so why doesn't discussing the thread
occur on #ubuntu-irc.

#ubuntu-irc is a great place for ops of all channels to discuss things.

#ubuntu-ops should be used:
  for issue resolution of core channels only

#ubuntu-irc should be used:
  to request cloaks
  for op related discussions
  information about possible issues (paraphrase what winds up in -ops)
  for ops from other non-core channels to discuss things

My opinion of #ubuntu-ops is:
  /mode #ubuntu-ops +mz
  /mode ops +o
  /mode bots +o

It's a very simple solution that offers the following:
  Let users idle in there for whatever purpose they see fit:
    Mention something quickly to ops
      No need for the annoying !ops call
      Which seems to encourage some spammers when there is a delay in
    Mention something going on in a discussion that they feel they can
      contribute to
  Anyone going in there for a resolution will not be met with non-op discussion
    Users can contribute to discussions without being rude to the one
      being discussed
  No idle chit-chat would take place
  If a discussion should be open then -m is easy enough to apply
  If somebody comes in to dispute anything only ops will see the
    communication between that user; others will only see what ops say
  Nobody needs to complain about it being an elitist channel.
  If you really need a private channel you can still do so
    (/join #ubuntu-dispute-random; /mode +i; /invite user&staff)
  It would encourage ops to handle things well with the community watching

#ubuntu-irc is severely underutilized.
It is meant to be multi-lingual but it is not
Other -op channels in the #ubuntu namespace should probably make an
  attempt to pipe discussions here
A little odd, but I think non-ubots should be able to exist in here
Perhaps only if the ircteam user is permitted some access/control
  to the bot and possibly the channel
We should us this as a ban forward channel
  I've done this in the past and it worked well because other ops could
    pitch in their opinions

An ops lounge:
  I hate this idea.
  If ops want a place to hang out and chatter then they should use
  If -offtopic is to chaotic for general chit chat among ops then this
    needs to be fixed in -offtopic, not an additional channel

  This channel is so ugly that public logging is strongly discouraged.
  Many ops even feel that this channel is in a horrible state
  Even some Freenode staff feels the channel should be pinched
  Only a few ops like the channel and few of those are regulars
  I agree that the channel should be pinched

the alternative..

  For ubuntu related chatter
  An ops lounge (let ops stay +v here)
  Tech related chatter
  Allow little bits of support and direction
    Let the user know they shouldn't expect support but some may be
      willing to offer it here
  If something is off-the-wall in here it should be redirected to #defocus

  Most conversations currently in #ubuntu-offtopic belong in #defocus
  If somebody doesn't like the new rule of #ubuntu-chat, let them go

Obviously my opinions can be built on to make them better. If your
opinion is simply an outright "no" then perhaps you should re-evaluate
where your opinion is coming from. Are you that deeply opposed to
change that any alteration is horrible? If you disagree with something,
please contribute to why it's a bad idea. Perhaps offer a suggestion to
alter this so it makes better sense.

I've said all of this before and other ops have mentioned it. It seems
to come down to many people not wanting to put an effort in for a
change and just opposing it for that reason.

This is a big list of random thoughts. If you reply to just one piece
please at least keep all relevant pieces with it. I have a feeling how
this will message will wind up being handled but I hope that it can
spark something good to happen anyway.

Michael Lustfield
Kalliki Software

Network and Systems Administrator
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