IRC Council Meetings Minutes: 14 August 2010

Elián Hanisch lambdae2 at
Fri Aug 20 22:55:10 UTC 2010

>  * [TOPIC] Enabling Bot Features without discussion
>   * Pici felt that the change to ubottu to send a ntoice to
> #ubuntu-ops asking OPs to review bans set by FloodBots should have
> been discussed on the mailing list and possibly at an IRC Council
> meeting
>   * There was general agreement among the council that more
> communication about changes being made to the bots would be nice
>   * [ACTION] topyli to contact the bot devel team about better
> communication

We didn't change anything recently, at least there aren't any recent changes 
in ubottu's code. Can somebody give some logs with the notices sent by ubottu? 
I get the feeling is a bug, or some misconfig.

~ m4v

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