Real-time community support

Joseph Price pricechild at
Fri Apr 16 17:04:15 UTC 2010

Howdy, member of freenode staff here.

I haven't been in a position to speak to other staff since reading this email.

For now, with no further knowledge on my part, I would strongly advise
against using the same password on multiple networks if you value the
accounts involved. I would also advise that if you do, that you at
least don't let one of those networks know the others. This is
especially important if your services account has +o,+f etc in our

Apologies to tap if i'm being a little hasty, i'll be glad to retract
and apologise later.


On 4/16/10, idleone <oneidle at> wrote:
> It has been brought to my attention that my latest replies to the list
> have been rude.
> I do apologize if that is how I came off and will try harder to word my
> replies in a more polite manner.
> On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 09:47 +0100, Terence Simpson wrote:
>> Please note that this site attempts to identify (as) you via NickServ on
>> freenode. The site will also store the NickServ password (hashed). There
>> is a security issue here, as giving away this information also gives
>> away any channel privileges you have.
>> Until this changes, I'm going to recommend that no one from the IRC team
>> attempt to login to that site. If you already have, please change your
>> NickServ password as soon as possible (/msg NickServ help set password).
>> Thanks,
>> Terence Simpson (tsimpson)
> --
> John Chiazzese
> In this concrete jungle we live. Our survival is love that we give.
> Now my instinct is guiding my way. It’s true what they say.
> The world is your chance to create.
> --
> Ubuntu-irc mailing list
> Ubuntu-irc at

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