Stepping down from the IRC team

Martin Meredith mez at
Fri Sep 11 06:18:07 UTC 2009

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 09:46:55PM -0400, Benjamin Rubin wrote:
> I'd like to address a few of these points here.
> The factoid mentioned above, was in fact "nbr" - as I'd noticed that on a
> > couple
> > of occasions, people had tried, and failed to call this factoid, as they
> > were
> > unsure what the abreviation meant.  The factoid I added explained the
> > abbreviation.
> >
> > Whether this was "useless" or not, as proclaimed, is a different matter. I
> > didn't think it was.
> >
> '!nbr is Netbook Remix' isn't a very informative factoid. If there was a
> link or even a short description of what nbr is (rather than what it stands
> for) then I don't think anyone would have had an issue with it.  I know I
> wouldn't have.
> > nhandler had come to #ubuntu-ops requesting that a ban be removed from a
> > channel.  Him being the person that had placed the ban, I said that he
> > should
> > feel free to remove it.
> >
> > In my opinion, any person that places a ban in a channel, should have the
> > right
> > to remove it.  Is that wrong?  I don't think so.
> >
> While nhandler is an Ubuntu member, he is not part of the IRC Team. The only
> thing that granted him access in #kubuntu-devel was that he is a freenode
> staff member.  From what I can see, he was performing the handoff to our ops
> team so that we could deal with it.  I'm at a loss here as to why this was
> such a big issue to you.  All I see is you answering a question and being
> corrected.

It wasn't "such a big issue" - as I said, it was "the straw that broke the
camel's back".  As I said in my first email

> I rarely talk anymore within the Ubuntu Ops channel, as anytime I have done,
> I'm made to feel as if I've done something wrong.

As I've said, this is a culmination of things.  This just made me think "why do
I even bother anymore".

> > I urge everyone who holds the opinion that I should have been removed from
> > the
> > IRC team long ago, to speak up now.  Let it be known to the world.  I'm not
> > asking for a reason, just a show of hands.
> I don't think its fair to ask for these people to reveal themselves in a
> public forum.  Its one thing to report what one might think is an issue to
> another operator or IRCC member, its another to tell it to someone's face.

There's a difference here though.  Melissa is stating that "many of the team"
feel that I should have been removed from the team long ago.  This to me smells
of sniping behind people's backs.  If such an accusation is made *in public*
then it should be backed up by evidence.  This is what I'm asking for.  Public
evidence, rather than it being kept to private emails, and secret IRC channels
for the "in crowd".

Put basically, if I'm being a dick, you should tell me that I'm being a dick.

I promise you, my response will be the correct one. Not "I'm going to set fire
to your face".

I'm trying to promote healthy discussion.  If I'm the problem here, tell me, and
it can be resolved.

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