Stepping down from the IRC team

Joseph Price pricechild at
Fri Sep 4 21:54:05 UTC 2009

2009/9/4 Dave Walker <DaveWalker at>:
> I don't believe
> it is conducive at this stage to mention individual names, and/or
> actions.

> I believe first, that we need to recognise there is a negative
> issue, and not try to sweep it to one side.  Once we have recognised the
> issues within the team, we can then attempt to look at the causes of
> these and allow the discussion to flow as necessary.

I believe these two statements, (one following on from the other) conflict.

Can we stop with wishywashyness and start calling people up on
actions? Talking about general feelings and trends months after the
fact won't help.

We've got a lovely process to do so, which we've both referenced earlier.

As I said in my previous email, please can we follow the dispute
resolution process to resolve issues?

I haven't had anything from you to the irc-council inbox.

This process is not new.

You've raised the point that you don't like the new idling policy.
Yes, I too have seen some people leave that I don't want to disappear.
I hope they will stick in #ubuntu-irc though and utilise that channel
for general irc-ness. If you want to discuss this further, then cool!
Lets start a new thread, or add it to our next meeting agenda.

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