Post election IrcTeam/IrcCouncil changes

Joseph Price pricechild at
Mon Dec 21 19:16:07 UTC 2009

Great stuff, congratulations to the new appointments.

To the CC, I personally think its great to see you didn't go ahead
with the silly non-irc'ers idea.

Now, would I be ok in finally getting rid of the ludicrous proposal on
line 41 seen as it hasn't happenned?

I'm not sure line 36 is needed any longer either?

2009/12/21 Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at>:
> Hi folks,
> I'm very pleased to finally announce the following new members of the
> IRC Council, as selected by the Community Council based on feedback
> from the incumbent IRC Council and the IRC Community:
> Juha Siltala (topyli)
> Terence Simpson (tsimpson)
> Nathan Handler (nhandler)
> We in the Community Council wish to publicly thank the incumbent IRC
> Council for their thorough feedback regarding all the candidates, as
> well as all feedback that we received from folks in the IRC community.
> All of this feedback was valuable to helping us make the most informed
> decision possible to help the IRC community move forward.
> Thank you everyone!
> Congratulations Juha, Terence and Nathan!
> --
> Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
> --
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