Call for comments on IRCC nominees

Lorenzo J. Lucchini ljlbox at
Thu Dec 17 21:40:34 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 15 December 2009 16:14:36 Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The following list of candidates applied for the three positions
> within the IRC Council:

Aside from individual considerations, which are described below, my rationale 
in expressing my preferences is also based on
- the perceived need for "new blood", which has been stated from several sides
- seeking to avoid perceived conflicts of interest, which have been an issue 
in the past, specifically with regard to positions in the freenode staff
- my personal sentiment that candidates should already have some previous ties 
with IRC, which does not in my opinion contradict the "new blood" 

> Kurt von Fink (mneptok)

In the long time that mneptok has been a channel operator, he has invisibly 
worked like a metronome, silently acting when it's needed, and speaking up 
when things need saying. Albeit "new blood" is likely welcome, I believe he's 
just the amount of "old blood" that we needed to stay rooted in the great IRC 
community that Ubuntu has.

As a prospective IRC Council member, I expect that Kurt will provide a 
balanced voice of reason should any problems arise, as well as that bit of an 
authoritative figure that doesn't hurt.

> Juha Siltala (topyli)

A long-time #ubuntu-offtopic user, topyli has lightened the hearts of many a 
channel user with his IRC-based comic strips. Even though he's not been 
active in the English support channels in the recent years, he's an 
away-from-the-spotlight pillar of our IRC community.

As a prospective IRC Council member, I believe Juha can function as an element 
of positive change, stopping unfavorable situations from stagnating and 
proposing new approaches.

> Terence Simpson (tsimpson) and

A technically competent person who has helped a lot with things like managing 
and developing useful bots, and seems to know when to step into issues, as 
well as when to stay out (and when to stay 'stdin').

As a prospective IRC Council member, I look forward to Terence helping to 
effectively conjugate the technical with the human aspects of IRC in a 
powerful mix.

> Thanks everyone!

by LjL
ljl at
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