Call for comments on IRCC nominees
Michael Lustfield
mtecknology at
Wed Dec 16 23:57:30 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
We don't need any people bashing.
As far as elky causing issues; I know I've personally dragged her into
a disagreement more than once. I don't see elky as someone that causes
issues. She has always come into look at the issue and voice her
opinion. This is from my limited experience with her directly.
This is also how I expect others to act. When there is an issue, the
responsible IRCC, CC, or Op steps to see what's going on, develops on
opinion from their view, acts on it. If I'm wrong, please correct me...
Af far as somebody withdrawing there nomination from what was said on
Facebook... It's "Facebook" it's the replacement for "MySpace." Take
anything said on facebook with a grain-of-salt and a
shot-of-penicillin. It's not worth worrying about what they say at all.
I have my personal feelings about everyone on this list. If you feel
there is an issue with someone then there is no reason not to bring it
to this list. However, we DO NOT need "your the reason for all the
issues cuz i sez so." Let's keep this list professional. If you have an
issue then bring it to the list, explain what the issue is, and give
something substantial.
Example of something useful: "I'm not sure that I can support Michael
because he has in the past caused a huge fuss with the decision of an
op in #ubuntu-us. He seemed rather unstable and I feel he would have a
bad impact on the IRCC." <- Of course we got everything worked out.
Example of something not useful in the least: Read below and previously
in this thread.
On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 15:56:01 -0700
Steve Stalcup <stalcups at> wrote:
> I'd rather disagree with the endorsment on elky. She tends to be at
> the center of any contraversy I've seen throughout the years. She is
> probably even more jaded than I. Elky is also the root cause of many
> of our current problems, including our relationship with freenode.
> Elky gives this project a bad name in the eyes of many outside observers
> Nhandler would be awesome imo, but I'm not so sure he'll like my
> Endorsement.
For the record, it's not just Steve but rather a group of people that
have taken the opportunity to bash others without any reason aside from
what is apparently "I don't like you."
I could be way out of line but this is a trend I would like to see
- --
Michael Lustfield
Kalliki Software
Network and Systems Administrator
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