Call for comments on IRCC nominees

Alan Pope alan at
Wed Dec 16 09:23:38 UTC 2009

Hi Joseph,

2009/12/16 Joseph Price <pricechild at>:
> No no, the charter is approved by you. Regardless of any
> collaboration, it is you (cc) who have the final say.

Where did I say that isn't the case? I said it's not a dictate from on
high meaning it's not something we write in secret and parachute into
the community. It's the result of collaboration. Yes we have final say
on it, that's in our mandate.

> Again, your comments of this being sorted out between the cc and new
> ircc upset me. Pleia led me to believe my comments were welcome. If
> you want me to be quiet then please say so.

The phrases "being sorted out" and "comments were welcome" are not
mutually exclusive. It is entirely possible for us to receive comments
and then sort out the final version with the IRCC.

> I've tried to give reasoning with the small number of issues i've
> raised. It would be great if you would bother to reply and say 'no,
> that's not a good enough reason.' by her own admission, pleia is
> speaking on her own behalf.

Again, two separate issues mixed in one sentence. It's possible for us
to accept comments and take those on board as we revise the governance
structure without every CC member replying "+1/-1" to every point

Liz may well be speaking on her own behalf, as I have spoken on my own
behalf for the CC in other matters. The CC doesn't oblige us to pass
every mail before the CC for voting before it's posted. If any of the
CC disagreed with Liz, they'd say so, I'm certain.

> I feel like you are discounting/ignoring everything i have to say
> because i'm me, i'm not on the ircc and i'm not on the cc. That isn't
> fair.

I would suspect that nobody is ignoring you because you're you, nor
because you're not on the CC or the IRCC. I can imagine a world where
someone might ignore your mails if they think you're beating a dead

> I think it is imperative that some of the issues (such as definition
> of 'ubuntu') are resolved before the ircc can be useful. What do we
> want, a shiny wiki page and a few people with titles, or a functioning
> governance body. Priorities.

As I said previously, nothing is set in stone.


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