IrcCouncilChanges: Decision making & coverage.
Jussi Schultink
jussi01 at
Tue Dec 8 07:06:26 UTC 2009
Hi, just want to go through all the points here, so Ill be cutting a little:
> "Decisions will be made by a majority of voting IRC Council members
> when at least three and more than half of the total members have
> voted."
Does this not imply quorum? ie. at _least_ 3 and more than half of the
_total_ members? So, if we have 5 on the council, then 3 need to vote in
favour. if we have 6, then 4. If we have 2... we don't have a meeting - as
has been done so far, and is one of the reasons Ive been pushing the
Community council to get this done.
> As I understand it, the Scope page defines what core channels the IRCC
> > are *directly* responsible for:
> >
> >
> That defines what the IRC team is responsible for. With their GC
> status, the IRCC actually covers a *LOT* more. Of course they don't
> actually micromanage the whole thing, but they can help out when
> needed.
> > I also know that "officially according to freenode" the IRCC is
> > responsible for the -ubuntu namespace, but it turns out I don't know
> > how far that extends or what "governance" role the IRCC has over these
> > (now hundreds?) of channels. I agree that clarifying this for everyone
> > would be worthwhile.
> The Ubuntu IRC Council actually has a GRF with freenode that cover the
> channels #ubuntu-*, #kubuntu-*....... and so on for several key
> subprojects of the Ubuntu community. I don't think that the CC
> appreciates these extents/limits of (our) group registration and would
> welcome any and all questions that you guys have. Reading the page I
> linked to earlier would be a great start, as well as confirming with
> our current GCs exactly what channels their forms cover.
> In the past, those lines have been interpreted as to only mean the
> Ubuntu distribution, rather than the Ubuntu community (including
> kubuntu etc.) I think that this distinction between the different uses
> of the word 'Ubuntu' must be made clear in writing from the start as
> to avoid further problems.
> As I understand it, our "Ubuntu" group covers #ubuntu-*, #kubuntu-*
#xubuntu-* and #ubuntuforums (correct me if I am wrong). This means that we,
(Pici and I, as group contacts) are responsible for maintaining these
namespaces and the channels within. Now quite conceivably this can and does
cover hundreds of channel - and there is absolutely no way we can be in, or
monitor all of these channels.
However, I do believe this can be dealt with, perhaps using the trademark
policy as a starting point - which Mark Shuttleworth suggested a long time
ago to the IRCC in another discussion. I think the trademark policy actually
has some very useful wording here:
"Canonical owns a number of trademarks and these include UBUNTU, KUBUNTU,
EDUBUNTU, and XUBUNTU. The trademarks are registered in both word and logo
form. Any mark ending with the letters UBUNTU or BUNTU is sufficiently
similar to one or more of the trademarks that permission will be needed in
order to use it. This policy encompasses all marks, in word and logo form,
collectively referred to as “Trademarks”."
"there is no suggestion (through words or appearance) that your project is
approved, sponsored, or affiliated with Ubuntu or its related projects
unless it has been approved by and is governed by the Ubuntu Community
Now, that suggests the projects that are approved by the CC, fall under the
community council governance, so therefore under the delegated governance
councils under this. It would make sense then that any of these approved
projects channels and sub channels should be governed by the IRCC.
So, perhaps this could be a good starting point for our discussions.
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