Freenode #ubuntu* Channels are Too Fragmented, Over-specialised and "on-topic"

Joseph Price pricechild at
Sun Jun 8 13:49:42 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-06-08 at 15:18 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Joseph Price <pricechild at> wrote:
> > If you would like to continue this, could you give examples of some
> > channels?
> The way I see it from the two first responses, Ubuntu has too much
> red-tape for my small "hacktivity-and-no-bullshit"-oriented mind to
> handle. Seems like I am ping-ponged from place to place on the
> Email/bug-tracker like I was on IRC. Feel free to dismiss me as
> another troll, but just note that I have a lot to show for -
> .
> I'm unsubscribing, and wish Ubuntu the best of luck. However, I'm not
> planning on getting near it anytime soon.
> Regards,
>            Shlomi Fish

I'm dismissing this as a non-issue then if you can't/won't provide an


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