IRC Council Nominations - the dates.

Joseph Price pricechild at
Thu Aug 14 21:29:05 UTC 2008

Further to my mail dated Tue Jul 22, I'm announcing some deadlines for
the nominations.

Deadline for nominations: Fri 22nd August.
	- Nominees will then be announced on this list.

Deadline for comments: Fri 29th August.
	- If you would like to give your support for someone, or
	  comment in any way on any of the nominees, then please
	  email irc-council at or perhaps give them
	  a shout on their wiki page.
	- The list of nominees with IRC Council annotations and
	  private comments will then be forwarded to the CC.
	- Please ensure that you have an up to date and shiny wiki
	  page for them to look at, demonstrating the qualities
	  required which are listed on

Anyone interested in nominating themselves should email
irc-council at

Anyone interested in nominating somebody else should instead get that
person to read this email if they are interested in running.


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