Bantracker redesign
Dennis Kaarsemaker
dennis at
Tue Apr 8 06:03:54 UTC 2008
On di, 2008-04-08 at 01:02 +0200, Lorenzo J. Lucchini wrote:
> > Model:
> >
> > class OperatorAction(models.Model):
> > when = models.DateTimeField("Time of action", auto_now_add=True)
> > channel = models.CharField("Affected channel", maxlength=30)
> > masks = models.TextField("Affected masks")
> > ops = models.TextField("Active ops")
> > log = models.CharField("Filename of log")
> What is "Active ops" exactly? Is it different from "the op who did the
> action"?
> > class Comment(models.Model):
> > action = models.ForeignKey(OperatorAction)
> > when = models.DateTimeField("Time of comment", auto_now_add=True)
> > who = models.ForeignKey(User)
> > what = models.TextField()
> >
> > I do not want to store the log in the database, this to avoid database
> > explosion like what has happened with the old code. For actions older
> > than a year(up for debate), the log will be deleted.
> I'm not a big fan of the one-year-backlog thing.
> Sometimes very old bans *do* become relevant again.
We should have some sort of private wiki thing for discussing such bans.
> Besides, I think that by using the "one minute timer" trick, stored log sizes
> will dramatically shrink; also, Python offers string compression, and I
> really suspect that keeping logs compressed (whether in or out of the
> database) would have a huge positive impact on space, and a negligible
> negative impact on performance (at least unless you're going to provide
> searching inside the logs).
String compression may help, that would just unconditionally serve the
data compressed.
> > Import of old data
> > ------------------
> > For old data, the relevant fields will be imported. Most notably, the
> > 'ban removed by' field will go away. It has proven to be unreliable.
> > Logs older than one year will not be imported, actions will.
> As Tony says, I think removals should be tracked by periodically looking at
> the current ban list and check what bans are still relevant.
> > Channels to track
> > -----------------
> > Currently bans in all channels are tracked. I'd like to limit that to
> > only a few core channels.
> >
> > - #ubuntu
> > - #kubuntu
> > - #ubuntu-offtopic
> > - #kubuntu-offtopic
> > - #ubuntu+1
> > - #ubuntuforums
> OK, although I'd leave it as an option for channel contacts to request
> logging.
> On a related topic, I think the bantracker should be publicly accessible
> again, but with two important limitations for anonymous users: comments
> should not be visible (or perhaps some specific comments could be tagged
> as "sensitive"), and banmasks should be scrambled.
Define 'scrambled'. I agree that the bantracker must be public again,
which it will.
> I'd also still like a way to link actions together; the "one minute timer"
> partially achieves that, I think, but still it would be nice to link ban
> evaders or simply people who have a habit of changing nicknames.
Would be nice, could have a ManyToManyField for that.
> A similar effect could be achieved also by having the search function look at
> comments, too, so one would simply have to mention the relevant
> nicknames/mask in a comment to make the action show up in a related search.
As you said before, that negates the compression. Which do you think is
more important?
Dennis K.
The universe tends towards maximum irony. Don't push it.
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