Result of todays meeting

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Mon Sep 17 13:43:14 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Todays meeting was quite short (only 2 agenda items).

Preventing fake loco channels
I will codify (on the wiki) the discussion we had about this as a naming
policy. We will continue to handle these cases in a case-by-case manner
and use this policy to point people at.

We discussed policies for bot cloaks. I will codify it as a policy on
the wiki. 

Both policies are up for discussion on this list when the first draft is

Launchpad teams
- The ubuntu-irc-council team now exists
- It is owner of ubuntu-irc-cloaks and ubuntu-irc
- Administrator priviliges of ubuntu-irc-cloaks and ubuntu-irc have 
  been removed (are now implicit)
I will remove all references to me in IRC documentation and replace them
with references to the council.

Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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