Reports of unfriendliness in the irc channel

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Mon Sep 17 11:37:24 UTC 2007

On ma, 2007-09-17 at 08:22 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm prompted by this bug to start this discussion.
> When we get such reports, I feel that it's important to discuss how
> they can be avoided, regardless of the specific rights and wrongs,
> because if people are getting a general impression that the irc
> channel is unfriendly, then it's a problem we need to solve, because
> the channel is one of the faces of the Ubuntu community, and
> significantly affects its reputation.
> What can be done to ensure that users who are unfriendly are taken
> aside and asked to improve their behaviour? Is anything currently
> done? If not, perhaps teams of regulars could be involved in such a
> task and some guidelines about how this could be done can be drawn up.

Why are you assuming that the issue raised in the bugreport is actually
true? The people in the #ubuntu channel are actually very careful about
being friendly to newcomers. We regularly get very comments about that.
(Though that usually involves a comparison with #debian)

The strictness that Jucato is refering to in the bugreport is true,
that's unavoidable in a channel of 1100+ users.

> p.s. your mailing list main page doesn't mention that subscription is
> essential and that posts from non-subscribers will be automatically
> rejected: please make a note of that

Good thought, will fix.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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