Fwd: Editing !ops to clarify its usage

Andrew Barber andrew.alex.barber at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 01:27:30 UTC 2007

On 28/10/2007, Paul O'Malley <ompaul at eircom.net> wrote:
> Lorenzo J. Lucchini wrote:
> > Many people use !ops because they see someone else using it and "think
> it's
> > just for knowing who the ops are", or, like it happened earlier today,
> > because they think it's for getting *support* from the operators. Or at
> least
> > they claim they thought so.
> >
> > Whether or not they're lying, I think it shouldn't hurt to add a notice
> > like "Use this command only in emergencies" to the factoid itself.
> >
> > In fact, I did such an edit some days ago, but it was reverted; since I
> don't
> > know who reverted it, and whether or not it was intentional, I'm putting
> it
> > back for now... just let me know if there are any objections.
> >
> > by LjL
> > ljl at ubuntu.com
> >
> +1 fwit
> P.

That is a great idea, another thing that would be cool is a reason. !ops
<reason> and that is posted to #ubuntu-ops. So instead of just   <nick>
called the ops in <channel>  it could say  <nick> called the ops in
<channel> due to <reason>

Andrew Alexander Barber
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