Channel setup for Gutsy release

Melissa Draper melissa at
Wed Oct 17 13:54:05 UTC 2007

Yes, I'm aware some of these suggestions have been withdrawn, however I
am still voicing my opinion for future reference and posterity.

Lorenzo J. Lucchini wrote:
> There are some changes that I would like to operate on the asset of
the main
> channels to prepare for the Gutsy release, which will certainly, as we
> from past experience, bring a lot of load especially to #ubuntu.
> - IMPLEMENTED: open #ubuntu-release-party for countdown, partying after
> release, and questions strictly related to release time, download
servers /
> torrents load, new features enquiries.
> * Rationale: people will want to "celebrate" the release, and we
should allow
> that, but that shouldn't impair regular support. This has been tested

This worked really well last release. +1

> - PROVISIONAL: keep #ubuntu+1 open, and use it for Feisty->Gutsy upgrade
> questions only, while #ubuntu should be used for "installed-system"
> only (see !upgrade).
> * Rationale: upgrade-related questions will make up a big part,
probably the
> majority, of support questions in the week(s) to come. As with past
> certain people will naturally "specialize" in upgrading problems,
making a
> dedicated channel appropriate. On the other hand, "normal" support
> shouldn't be lost in the scroll-hell and left unanswered.

I think the theory is correct, however chopping and changing the purpose
of an established channel (it confuses them enough when the version of
topic changes each release) isnt the best way to achieve it.

> - TEMPORARY: set +J channel mode on #ubuntu, with appropriate throttling
> values (as tried in the past). Monitor #ubuntu-unregged constantly for
> overflow.
> * Rationale: let's face it, we are going to experience many more
attacks than
> usual, and given the increased amount of people in #ubuntu and the
> amount of messages, repeated attacks would simply make the channel 100%
> useless. While +J still has some problems, and we should handle it
> it will likely allow us to manage the channel better.

+1 providing it is only used during attacks, and not left on all the
time. Release day traditionally has a lot of normal connections.

> - TEMPORARY: apply a policy of using /remove with a descriptive message,
> accompanied by a relevant bot factoid or by another form of more verbose
> explanation in PM, as a first warning for disrupting behaviors. Set a
ban if
> the same person keeps misbehaving afterward.
> * Rationale: this is not very different from what we are normally
supposed to
> do. But keep in mind that it's important to give a warning kick before
> banning, even in cases that seem "obvious trolls" on the moment, because
> although it may seem to make things longer initially, it helps
avoiding long
> arguments in #ubuntu-ops, which distract us from monitoring the "real"
> channels. A kick, compared to a !factoid warning, also has the
advantage of
> being listed in the bantracker, making it easier to understand the
> later.

+1 because lets face it, we really should be doing this anyway --
spammers/flooders being the exception of course.

> - PERMANENT: Keep questions strictly related to the official Desktop
> as supported on the cards it's officially supported, in #ubuntu, but move
> everything else effects-related to #ubuntu-effects.
> - PROPOSED: Close down #ubuntu-effects, and redirect its users to
> #compiz-fusion, after making the appropriate arrangement with that
> operators.
> * Rationale: There is no reason to not support Desktop Effects in the
> channel, since Gutsy makes it a first-class citizen of Ubuntu.
However, that
> was achieved by selecting carefully which hardware is well-tested
enough to
> enable effects by default, and we should reflect this selection by
making it
> clear that if a card is not officially supported by Ubuntu, then we don't
> officially support it either, and that we offer #ubuntu-effects for
those who
> want to try it anyway.
> Since #ubuntu-effects is slowly but steadily becoming silent, however,
> since the incorporation of Desktop Effects in Ubuntu means that all
> other "effects" questions are more Compiz related (Beryl is not supposed
> anymore by anyone, basically) than Ubuntu related, phasing out the Ubuntu
> channel in favor of the dedicated Compiz Fusion channel may make sense.

No opinion.

> - PERMANENT: Make #ubuntu-meta the official channel for helpers to
> among each other on (strictly) other people's question that they cannot
> answer fully, and report on complex questions that remain unanswered.
> * Rationale: I know you saw this coming... #ubuntu is always busy, and it
> becomes very, very busy at release time, when many voices start
stating that
> the channel should be split into several topic, or other schemes that,
> possibly valid, would undoubtedly disrupt the channel for a while, and
can be
> hard to step back from. A "buffer" for support question is an "opt-in"
> addition that cannot in any way affect the smooth operation of #ubuntu
> other support channels.

+1, but try to avoid publicising it too much or manipulative people will
try use it to get quicker answers.

> Since there is little time left before release, I will consider the above
> changes as active.
> However, if you strongly feel that any of them should NOT be implemented,
> please state so clearly on this list, and they will be considered as
put on
> hold.
> Feel also free to discuss them and voice your opinions even without the
> intention of definitely and immediately reverting them... but don't
> that, during these days, the most important thing is to have *some* setup
> that allows to keep the channels manageable, rather than discussing
> that will be implemented, if ever, at much later stages.
> by LjL
> ljl at

Melissa Draper

Phone: 0404 595 395
(intl): +61 404 595 395

P.O Box 1412
Lavington, NSW 2641

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