IRC Council Meeting

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Nov 5 08:23:03 UTC 2007


On 05/11/2007, Miia Ranta <myrtti+ubuntu at> wrote:
> Joseph Price kirjoitti:
> > The next IRC Council meeting will be held on Thursday 8th November at 1
> > UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
> Just a silly suggestion from the outskirts; How about doing a shared
> google calendar or similar that you'd put these meetings in also. I've
> more than once tried to attend several IRC meetings and I've always
> miscalculated the UTC time. Having the meetings on google calendar would
> give me instant and clear indication of the correct date and time.
> Ubuntu Women and our own Finnish LoCo team have their calendars there
> and it's excellent.

You can get an ical of all Ubuntu related meetings here:

This only includes those meetings which are added to the Fridge, but
in theory at least all meetings should be registered in that way - see

Matthew East
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