Ubuntu IRC Dispute - Sent to you as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at ubuntu.com
Thu Aug 9 07:51:25 UTC 2007

On wo, 2007-08-08 at 20:44 -0400, Bobby Coop wrote:

> 	There was an animal rights debate in #ubuntu-offtopic that got a bit
> heated (in the operator's eyes) and Seveas and ompaul had said that it
> must stop.  Someone made a comment directed towards me after this had
> occurred, and I responded to it and was banned by Seveas.  I wasn't
> happy, but this is not the basis of my complaint.

This is the basis for all your problems. There were numerous warnings in
-offtopic that it should stop, including 2 kicks (other people) and a
warning that the next one will be banned.

> 	I sent Seveas a private message roughly 5-10 minutes later asking about
> the ban, as it had not been lifted, and received no response.  I tried
> again to contact him via PM 5 minutes later with no response.

I'm sorry that it took longer than 10 minutes to respond, but a little
patience never hurt anyone.

> 	I tried to get Seveas's attention in #ubuntu (I was unaware that there
> was an op channel at this point) by making the comment 'Seveas: alll i
> am sayyyingg is give cooop a chance', which was admittedly me trying to
> be cute.  Seveas warned me about being offtopic, and persisted in not
> responding to my private messages.  After 20 minutes of attempting to
> contact him privately, I sent '!offtopic | Seveas, coopster would like
> you to know that he loves you and that' to #ubuntu, causing ubotu to
> address the message towards Seveas.  This was an hour after the original
> ban from -offtopic, and I was not terribly happy with the fact that I
> couldn't communicate with the op who banned me.

So you continue to be offtopic after being warned and being banned from
another channel.

> 	At this point I was banned from #ubuntu.  I looked at the website and
> went to #ubuntu-ops to try to talk about the situation.  

And being stubborn about it. I explained several times why I banned you.

> I did not
> appreciate Seveas's attitude towards me, but the logs are there so I
> won't characterize it any more than that.  After prolonged discussion
> with Seveas and his insistence that nothing would be done and he would
> unban me no sooner than Tuesday of next week (6 days from now),

...because I'm leaving for holiday today and won't be back until then.

> despite
> the fact that I actively do help out in #ubuntu, I tried to get other
> ops involved.  Seveas was not happy with my description of what had
> happened and banned me from #ubuntu-ops at that point.

I did not ban you, I muted you because you were lying.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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