Kubuntu alternate contact/access list handler

Francis Giannaros francisg at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 23:54:47 UTC 2006

Eventually managed to speak to Riddell about having an alternate contact for 
the Kubuntu channels (some time ago Seveas asked about this, and I said I 
could do it, so I sent the request to Riddell, who was offline for a few 
days :P). So here's the conversation from today:

/msg Riddell hobbsee has said she's thinking about requesting for being the 
IRC kubuntu channel contact, and I think that'd be a better idea, but 
wondering -- in the meantime, could we add a few ops to the #kubuntu list, 
and maybe remove some of the really old ones?
[23:33:08] <Riddell> hi
[23:33:12] <apokryphos> hey
[23:33:54] <Riddell> I'm not clear where this channel contact stuff happens, 
is it on launchpad, or freenode privilages or just a committee?
[23:35:20] <apokryphos> we have the launchpad team, but all the discussions 
and stuff happen on IRC. A contact would just have power over the access 
lists, and also acknowledged by Freenode staffers as the contact
[23:35:38] <apokryphos> the full description for this is still being fleshed 
out, but that's the basic idea I take it
[23:36:07] <apokryphos> it was something that came from the new IRC Council
[23:37:02] <apokryphos> and with more responsibilities being delegated out, 
instead of Seveas handling contact status for everything. Now there's an IRC 
Council for that (and making top decisions, handling appeals, etc) and 
there's contacts for specific ubuntu-related areas (edubuntu, xubuntu )
[23:37:27] <Riddell> seveas has never had anything to do with the kubuntu 
[23:37:43] <Riddell> I'm the freenode contact, and it seems like I have lots 
of privilages on #kubuntu and #kubuntu-devel
[23:37:55] <Riddell> although I've never really worked out the access thing on 
[23:38:23] <Riddell> but in general I'd be happy for you and/or hobbsee to be 
able to make or take away ops

Seveas suggested I post this to the list. Do we want to only have one 
contact/access list person? If so, I'm very happy for it to be Hobbsee, and 
I'm quite happy to leave that up to others (and don't mind either way). 

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