IRC Op Meeting

Francis Giannaros francisg at
Mon Dec 18 10:36:03 UTC 2006

Following the issues raised on the Mailing list, and following even more that 
have just come up in a 20-minute (or so) discussion in IRC, it's clear that 
we need to have a meeting to sort out some of these issues.

I'm proposing 18:00 GMT, hopefully to get things cleared up/changing 
implemented quickly. Please report on whether you'll be able to make it. The 
meeting should be in #ubuntu-meeting I'll contact the fridge after feedback 
on the time, and make an appropriate wiki entry with a schedule of items to 
discuss, but here's a quick list for now: 

* Transparency in Ubuntu Operators Actions. Which might include:
    * allowing idlers?
    * more open discussion on the ML?
    * public logs?
    * Bantracker logs public somewhere?
* Transparency in IRC Council Meetings
* Procedure with Ubuntu cloaks
* Any other issues

Hope to see you all there.

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