Public archives

Cliff Wade hawkwind at
Sun Dec 17 23:41:37 UTC 2006

With regards to jenda's posting of the #Ubuntu-Ops IRC logs from
earlier today....

Most of us ops in the channel at the time either didn't know or didn't
think about the archives being public.  It has been mentioned that we
as ops of a private channel that doesn't like nor allow users to
idle/lurk, that we have a mailing list for -ops that is not publicly

This current list should be kept as it is for discussions to take
place that aren't publicly sensitive.  Maybe someone can create a
Ubuntu-Ops mailing list where new users have to be approved before
their registration is finalized and the archives are not accessible to
the public.  Just a thought after todays long discussions.

With kind regards,

Cliff Wade (Hawkwind)
Registered Linux User #362532 Registered Kubuntu User #331
IRC Channels ( #LFD #Kubuntu #Ulteo

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