%post in ubuntu kickstart

Rohit Kumar Mehta rohitm at engr.uconn.edu
Wed Mar 25 15:02:22 GMT 2009

Hi Stephen, I looked in my ks.cfg, and have been using a %post without 
an %end

However my post "%post --interpreter=/bin/bash" does run inside the 
/target.  I found some things difficult to do through the bash script, 
so one of the actions in the post was to cd to /etc/rc2.d and download a 
perl script with wget and chmod +x it.  The perl script is my real 
finish script.  It runs upon first boot, and then deletes itself.  I 
like the solution very much.

stephen mulcahy wrote:
> Hi,
> Does the %post section in ubuntu kickstart support any of the options 
> documented here 
> ?http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Kickstart#Chapter_5._Post-installation_Script
> In particular, the --log option.
> Also, from what I've seen so far, my %post actions seem to be running 
> outside of the /target, in the base install ... is it possible to run 
> actions in /target environment (I guess I could chroot myself, is that 
> the recommended approach?).
> Finally, is %end neccesary?
> Thanks,
> -stephen

Rohit Mehta
Computer Engineer
University of Connecticut
Engineering Computing Services
371 Fairfield Road Unit 2031
Storrs, CT 06269-2031

Office: (860) 486 - 2331
Fax: (860) 486 - 1273

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